I read on canoe's sites this morning an article entitled “Culture et Hockey – En attendant les series”. It is first introduced by claiming that even if you like hockey or not, you won't escape the mood the hockey playoff that's comming soon, and it’s true. The Montreal Canadiens finished first in the east conference of the NHL and we are talking a lot about that, in the news, news paper, on the net, everywhere.
In the article, there is also a mention about the fact that hockey is really part of the culture. We all know that there are certain songs that are related to sports in general and obviously hockey. We are the champion by Queen is a good example, when a team wins an important game. There is also the song Vertigo from U2 that is played every time the Montreal Canadiens scores a goal at the Bell Center. If you’re a fan of this team, you’re really happy when you here it. Music is then part of the hockey culture.
Television and cinema also provided this cultural aspect of hockey in Quebec. We just have to think of movies like Slapshot, Les Boys, and of course Maurice Richard. All good movies about hockey that were made in Quebec (except for Slapshot) and that were very popular in our province. There is also the new TV show Les Boys that is a continuation of the four movies. If we are talking about TV shows, we cannot forget this series, Lance et Compte, which just came back on the screen two years ago. That old show which everybody saw, knows or heard about, for sure. In that field we can also mention the DVD of Alex Kovalev (star player of Montreal Canadiens) who basically teaches how to play hockey in it. This DVD is already sold out everywhere, they have the reorder a big quantity, they didn’t thought it would be so famous. There is also tones of books about hockey.
We can definitely say that hockey is part of our culture. Good playoff everyone,
Go Habs Go!
1 commentaire:
I really agree with what you just mentionned here Olivier. Culture is all around us and even trough sports.
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